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We often describe living in a state of flow as “magical” because it can seem as such to the rational mind. When we take even a small but bold step in alignment with our higher selves, the universe will rise to meet us in surprising ways. Our needs will be provided for seemingly effortlessly; we will bump into just the person we need to see that day; we will know information about our next steps that our rational mind would have no way of knowing. Trusting our intuition and living in a state of flow reveals the infinite possibilities of the universe and the love with which we are all always already surrounded. To make this happen though we need both energetic alignment and to take action from that place of alignment.

In the next few blog posts will explore how to balance alignment and action: first, by looking at several common pit-falls that pull us out of balance and then by delving more deeply into what balanced, aligned action looks and feels like.

Today, the first pit-fall: feeling the bliss and waiting for the magic.

It feels good to feel good. When we learn how to re-connect with our intuitive selves more easily, it feels good. It feels so good that we could spend hours, days, weeks, lifetimes just basking in the bliss that is always accessible to us once we learn how to access it. But if we don’t ground these feelings through actions, the world will eventually press down on us and force us out of the bliss.

I have quite often found myself overwhelmed by frustration at having to come back out into the “unmagical” world after being lost in my own inner bliss. Even after having a lot of experience with the magic of taking aligned action steps, I can find myself forgetting that this magic requires more than just feeling a certain state of being. I can begin to think all I have to do is meditate, clear my emotions, ebb, relax, read the tea leaves and sit back and wait for the magic to arrive. That is how it happened before, right? But what I forget is that these magical experiences follow not just energetic alignment but action steps that flow from energetic alignment.

Underneath this tendency to undervalue action is a subtle fear: fear of my power, fear of my light, fear of being seen, fear of achieving my dreams. The fear sucks you back into the seemingly safe space where the bliss, peace, and ecstasy is an inner experience alone. The fear insulates you from the messiness of this experience flowing outward through inspired action steps that can radically shift your material world.

The universe is magical. But it is a earthly magic. A grounded magic. An embodied magic. We can experience all manner of energetic shifts. We can experience peace, bliss, even ecstasy. But if we do not take any action steps in alignment with that state then nothing new will be created, nothing will shift in our world and we will not experience the “magic” of living in a state of flow. Our action steps must increasingly come to us from our intuitive selves and our intuitive selves alone. But we must take action steps. The more we do this the more rapidly and radically our lives will shift.

The feelings of inner bliss can feel so good and safe while the action steps the bliss would have us take can feel terrifying. But magic requires both.

Have you experienced this pit-fall before? If so, be kind, patient and loving with yourself. Try to hold that part of yourself who is afraid with the same love you would a small child afraid of the dark. See if offering this radical love to yourself can open up more boldness within yourself to do the work you know in the depths of your soul that you are here to do. Can you find one small, intuitively-guided action step you can take today? If so, let us know in the comments what happens!


Connection, Flow, Linear vs. Fluid, Videos
Part of the power of living in flow is that it taps into the deep truth that we are all interconnected.

Your suffering is my suffering; the earth’s suffering is your suffering.

And my healing is your healing; and the Earth’s healing will be our healing as well.

These paths are aligned and one ultimately. Thus, when we change one thing, the power of this change ripples outward in ways that we cannot ever rationally know.

Lean more into the concept of this interconnectedness by watching this video:

Please, share your thoughts in the comments below so we can get connected.


Flow, Linear vs. Fluid, Surrender/Faith/Trust
What does it feel like to not be in a state of flow?

It feels like climbing a mountain alone – you are the only one who can take the steps, carry the provisions, read the map. Everything and anything that needs to be done is entirely on you. You are disconnected from your surroundings, stressed out, and over-burdened.

What does it feel like to be in a state of flow?

It feels like riding on a river. You still have to take action steps. You have to steer the raft. Help other people on the river. Or paddle from time to time. But there is a current that moves without your effort that is helping you along as well. There are other people on the river who drift in and out of your space, who offer help or just companionship and then they flow on, again in unpredictable ways because they too are being moved forward by a current not under their control.

Learn about taking a ride on the River Flow in this video:

Join us on this river! There’s room for everyone!


Flow, Surrender/Faith/Trust
Flow is a pretty popular word around here. We use it a lot. Many people know exactly what we are talking about from their own experiences of flow. But many people also struggle to understand what flow is.

First, you will know flow when you live it. Sorry, but its true. Nothing beats your own experience for bringing a depth of understanding and clarity. Even if you intellectually understand what we are talking about, that knowledge will not be super helpful for you until you have more experiences with flow in your own life.

That said, it is helpful, as you are choosing whether or not this is something you want to experience more of, to hear direct explanations of what the flow experience feels like and what gifts it offers. Then, you can decide whether that experience is beckoning you to the point that you are ready to do what needs to be done to access that experience.

Many people’s initial experiences with flow comes about accidentally: when you find yourself wholly absorbed in the present moment through some activity. It could occur while you are cleaning the dishes or playing basketball or writing or playing music. It is that experience of “being in the zone” that athletes often describe. It is a state of heightened awareness to your surroundings, effortless activity, timelessness, focus, and bliss. It often enhances your natural skills and abilities and, if you pay attention, makes it seem as if the universe is also helping complete your task or reach your goal.

Sometimes this experience is talked about as if it can only occur while doing certain, naturally absorbing activities. Certainly, this is the easiest way to access flow – to harness the focus that comes naturally by following your innate passions and abilities. But what many people do not realize or experience is that the flow state is one that can be experienced at any time, even to the point of it being a continuous experience of life.

It is the same state the mystics and sages throughout time called enlightenment. Enlightenment is to be ever-living in a state of flow.

You are radically present to what is, here and now.
Your mind is calm and clear.
You can focus without being bothered by surrounding distractions.
You love unconditionally and can offer that love to anyone who comes into your present moment.
You can pivot seamlessly from one task to the next – and from one quality to another, as needed.
You can focused on work one moment, stop to truly see and embrace another’s suffering, laugh at a joke, and return to work the next moment without losing any focus.
There is no feeling of stress or chaos in the body or mind.
You receive what comes to you with openness and non-judgment – good and bad. Any emotional experiences flow through you instantaneously rather than attaching to the body or mind.
You take the necessary action steps to respond to your surroundings and to do what needs to be done to realize your goals without a sense of striving or attachments to particular outcomes.
You feel free to speak your truth without a need or desire to impinge upon another’s freedom by coercing them to do anything other than what feels true and free for them.
You feel at peace.
You feel waves of bliss.
You feel love and gratitude for all – authentically and deeply.

All this occurs seamlessly – without striving or trying to make it happen. It just is your state of being. Perhaps most significantly, you feel yourself to be one with the universe and with others. You experience the universe helping you in ways that can feel magical at first but quickly become mundane.

Through these experiences, you know that love is the most real thing and that healing and beauty and bliss are not only possible, they are the most possible realities. What in non-flow states feels most possible actually requires a lot of effort because you are fighting against the flow of the universe. What normally feels most impossible in non-flow states becomes most possible and occurs with ease and flow.

The more you are in a flow state, the more you receive what you need in any moment and the more you know the beauty or bliss or transformation that beckons you is not only possible, its already happening in yourself and in the world.


Flow, Intuition-Higher/Inner Self, Linear vs. Fluid, Videos
Sometimes people assume that a fluid way of living means it will take a long time to reach their
goals. That allow things to unfold will always take longer than pushing to make things happen.

It can be a tempting falsehood that the linear path is faster and more direct, whereas the
more fluid path is inefficient or ineffective.

However, in our experience, this isn’t the case at all.

To be sure, the fluid path requires letting go of some semblance of control. But it often creates
opportunities that move people towards their goals much more rapidly than they thought
rationally possible.

This is exciting!  

Learn more about how to line up with these opportunities in this video:

Hearing your experience with rapid transformation is so inspiring for others.  Please, share your story in the comments below.


Flow, Linear vs. Fluid, Videos
Part of living in a more fluid way is acknowledging and accepting the inevitable cycles of life: the high times and the low times. Learn about the power of embracing the spirals of your life, rather than trying to force things into a linear model.

This more fluid way of approaching life allows you to cultivate a richness in yourself and releases you from the cycles of shame, blame, and guilt that are so endemic in our culture. Moreover, this fluid way of living reminds you that anything that is meant for you will come back to you in some other form. Missed opportunities become invitations for deeper growth, rather than failures.

Watch our latest video on how these cycles are spiraling you out to your vision and goals.

If you are seeing cycles in your life from a new point of view, please share in the comments below.

Flow, Linear vs. Fluid, Videos
As educated, modern people living in the United States, we tend to think that anything that isn’t rational is less worthy. But if we are going to transition from linear to more fluid ways of living, we have to expand our understanding of how we access knowledge, how we make decisions, and how we navigate the world beyond reason.

We still need reason. But reason is not the only way to access our individual truths. Indeed, integrating other ways of knowing can bring a deeper, fuller wisdom to navigating life. 

Here, we tell a story of a client who followed a seemingly illogical intuitive nudge at a time when her business was stuck: to go buy a tropical fish. The fish ended up being a catalyst for an inner shift within this woman that flowed outward, shifting her business and life in ways she could never have predicated when the nudge first came to her.

Share in the comments below, when has a random thought led you to exactly what you wanted.


Flow, Linear vs. Fluid, Videos
Most of us approach life in a linear way – assuming that if we take certain rational steps that other predictable outcomes will result. While this approach does work at times, it often leaves us alienated from our deepest selves, stressed out, and cut off from the richness of what is possible in life.

Moreover, the linear ways of approaching life or remedying problems is increasingly not working. You cannot rely on the inevitability of life unfolding predictably as you could a generation ago. Many of the problems we are facing as a society seem impossible to remedy using the typical linear, rational approaches.

Fortunately, there is another, more fluid way to approach life: one that relies on incorporating the experience of flow and reliance on intuition into our other ways of approaching life. This more fluid way of living opens up new possibilities, brings you deeper into your core self, and generates an excess of positivity beyond what one would rationally think possible.

This video series will explore more about what we mean by flow.

Let us know about your journey from linear to fluid ways of moving through the world in the comments below.

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Flow, Surrender/Faith/Trust

You can always get back in again! That’s the first and most important thing to understand. There is no way to destroy flow or your ability to access it – except by being dead (And who knows, maybe that’s not even true!). As long as you are alive, you can always, always step back into flow. As long as you are breathing, you still have everything you need inside of you to know yourself, to live life, to love, to come alive, to know your next step.

But here’s what happens to us often. We get out of flow – our life feels like its taken a wrong turn or we feel like we’ve never taken enough right steps to even know what flow is. We feel stuck in the trajectory of our current life – like being on one of those moving walkways at the airport. You started on this path and now you are stuck on it and have to keep moving forward.

You are too old to change course, its too late to make a different choice. These are all things our minds will tell us anytime we try to re-engage with our passions or dreams or to more deeply engage with life or our higher selves. Sometimes these voices of doubt and judgment will even get louder the closer we get to jumping in the river again or for the first time.

But these voices are not true unless you believe them so much that you make them true. They are not the only truth or the highest truth. The higher truth is that the river is always right there, inside of you and all around you. You can always jump back in. You can always make a different choice. There is always a way to move forward. It may not look like what you want it to look like. The river may require you to go past some terrain you’d rather avoid or demand something of you that you’d rather not give. But it is always there.

So many of us spend months, years, or even decades of our lives, lamenting on the banks of the river about what might have been – looking out at the beautiful vista of our dreams and then turning away from the very things that would take us there because our minds convinces us the very thing we are on this earth to do isn’t possible.

It is. Your deepest dreams and longings are possible. You have them for a reason. And the river of flow, which you access through your intuition, will always carry you there. You just have to learn to surrender, trust, and access the parts of yourself that always already know what you need to know and have what you need at any moment.

To learn more about how we can help you access these parts of yourself, explore the other parts of our website, attend a workshop or retreat, try out our meditations, or contact us.

Let us know about how surrender and trust have played a part in your journey in the comments below.